Thursday, January 2, 2014

Happy New Year!!

Day 7 in the boot on my left foot! I apparently have given myself extensor tendonitis after that big hill in Walnut Creek a few weeks ago; went to the doctor to make sure the cause of nagging soreness on the top of my foot was not a stress fracture. X-rays were clear, so extensor tendonitis is the most likely diagnosis and he put me in a boot on Dec 26. I had been running on it despite the soreness, only about 3-5 miles a day, but he gave me a strict "no running" order, and I've been going stir crazy! He also has me on 400mg naproxen twice daily, and it is feeling better. After 10 days I will take off the boot and try walking on it through a normal day at work on Monday, January 6th. If all goes well through the week, I will start running again on Friday, January 10. I'm signed up for a 15K on January 12th which I may have to jog at a slow pace at best and may have to opt out of at worst.

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