Monday, October 21, 2013

October 21, 2013 - Exactly 6 months until Boston!!

I received my welcome e-mail from DFMC today, containing my registration appointment information. After that telephone appointment on Thursday 10/24, I will be officially registered on the team, and will be able to set up my fundraising page. In the coming weeks, I will be posting background about the people in whose honor I am running. Their courage in the face of the worst possible circumstances is what inspires me to keep running, even when I'm tired, or sore, or would just rather sit on the couch and watch TV. The knowledge that their children soldier on in their absence is what helps me speak more gently to my kids when they're driving me nuts. And the desire to prevent other families from enduring the pain of losing a loved one is what sparks my desire to run for DFMC.

In addition to the blog serving as an introduction to these courageous people, I will also intermittently post here about my training cycle in preparation for Boston. I had a moderate-mileage week last week, logging a total of 22.7 miles. I have yet to complete a run longer than 10 miles in preparation for the upcoming Tiburon Half Marathon, which is on November 3, and in general I'm running more slowly than I did in my training cycle for the 2012 Chicago Marathon, but I've got six months to get in better shape for Boston. The Tiburon Half will mark my 90th official race entry, going back all the way to the 1998 Bay To Breakers. Back then I was unable to complete the 12K (7.4 miles) without a couple of walk breaks, and the Hayes Street Hill killed me, but that race is all about having fun. At right is a photo from the 1999 Bay To Breakers, which my husband and I ran together. (If you look closely in the upper left corner, you will see one of the reasons why this race has a reputation as a migrating 3 hour party!)

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