Sunday, January 26, 2014

Today's Tribute: Verna Wefald

Verna Wefald

October 5, 1964 - August 30, 2010


I met Verna at our neighborhood park, when her daughter Maya was not quite 3 years old and her son Miguel was in 5th grade. Our girls would play together at the park, and we would chat and enjoy the sunshine. What struck me about Verna was her calmness. She always had a relaxed smile, and just emanated a positive vibe that said "everything will be ok".  Even though she appeared quiet, Verna was a force to be reckoned with! She had found out about her breast cancer in 2006, just a few days before giving birth to Maya. She endured her initial cancer treatment, stayed focused on being a great mom to her newborn daughter and her son, and became an advocate for others with cancer. In 2007, she organized a dance fundraiser for the Charlotte Maxwell Clinic, raising $3000 to help provide cancer treatment services to low income women. She climbed Half Dome in Yosemite National Forest three months later with the Bay Area Young Survivors, a group of women who'd been diagnosed with cancer under the age of 45. 

Verna and her husband, Steve (who grew up in CT and ran the Boston Marathon as a college student)
Unfortunately, in September 2009 Verna learned that her cancer had returned. She remained positive, dedicating herself to her family and focusing on beating cancer a second time. When it became clear that the battle could not be won, she spent her last months writing letters to her children, so that on every holiday, birthday, and other life events in their future, they will feel her love and know how proud of them she is. 

Verna died on August 30, 2010, at the age of 45. When I see her children, Maya and Miguel, her eyes and her smile shine through, and I know she lives on in the hearts of those who knew her.

Verna with Miguel, Maya and puppy Gigi

If you knew Verna and would like to leave a remembrance of her, we welcome your Comments below.

1 comment:

  1. This is so touching and beautiful. I miss her so much.
    This made my day by reading this, so thanks.

    Maya, daughter of Verna
